THIS WEEK on the Get More Smarter Podcast it’s our FINAL show before the 2024 election and WE HAVE SOME TREATS FOR YOU!
First, we did a new thing! We are moving into roughly 2009 territory here and have started making VIDEO VERSIONS OF SOME PARTS OF THE SHOW! Pollster of the pod, Andrew Baumann generously agreed to be our guinea pig for the test pilot of our video pod and we’re sharing that exclusively with our Substack subscribers (but then it’s gonna be on YouTube like really soon thereafter because, you know, AUDIENCE!) Since it’s our first video pod it’s a little raw, a little uncut, and may have some glitches in the subtitles, but we wanted to see if we could bring the show to some more folks and were told that going to video was a good way to do that, so here it is, let us know what you think in the comments (we already know Jason is the better looking one, no need to rub it in)!
Andrew walked us through the maps that could make the difference in this election and leaves us feeling…exactly how we felt before the conversation, but nonetheless, it was informative, entertaining, and illuminating as to how pollsters are weighting their data this cycle and what might happen tomorrow night, take a listen and forward this email to anyone spending the next day or so FREAKING OUT.
We then bang through a list of other topics from Colorado Election Security (everything is fine even though that little partial password leak is going to arm the worst people on the planet with bad faith arguments to try and steal the election from Kamala Harris, thankfully Colorado is not in doubt, but if there are some close elections ((looking at you CD8 and a few other state leg districts)) expect the battleground to shift from the ballot box to the courtroom in a few key places), to some last minute blue wall polling and the idea that Trump is just throwing the election in the final hours here.
We’ll have a special surprise for podcast subscribers tomorrow morning, but before you let you go we’ll leave you with this dear listeners: for the love of God, people, please don’t make us look at this fucking guy anymore after tomorrow:
That’s it for us this week! If you loved listening to it as much as we loved recording it, you can thank us by subscribing to the pod wherever you listen, following us over on Nice Twitter aka Threads, and forwarding this email or sharing this post with your friends, your enemies, and anyone who is still hanging on to that ballot! THANK YOU so much for listening, and we’ll see you next time!
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